Check out what I’m reading in October!
September wound up being a really great reading month for me! I wasn’t really expecting that, but it was filled with some great books! Check out What I’m Reading in October and What I Read last month! I’d love to hear what you are reading right now. Let me know in the comments what you’re reading!
Reading Goal for 2018
My reading goal for 2018 is 70 books. So far I’ve read 40/70. So, in order to hit my goal, I’ll need to read 10 books each of the next 3 months, hmmm…I’m sure my family won’t mind not having dinner, lol. I guess there’s a real possibility that I won’t hit my goal, but I have had a great time reading this year and have read some fantastic books! Check out what I’m reading this month!
What I’m Reading October
I always enjoy sharing my plan for reading! But, it’s funny because my reading definitely doesn’t always go as planned!! Last month I didn’t read some of what I had planned, but then I added a few that weren’t on my list. It’s still fun to put this together and try to figure out what I want to read in the coming month! For October, I’ve got a good mix of business and pleasure. So, here’s my What I’m Reading October edition:
Experiencing God by Henry Blackaby (on-going Bible Study – read chapter 19)
Good and Beautiful Community by James Bryan Smith (on-going Bible Study – Chapter 1)
Happier Thinking by Lana Grace Riva
Purpose, Passion & Profit by Kyle Wilson and more
Love on the Edge (Crane’s Cove vol. 1) by Kerry Evelyn
What I Read in September
(36) His Perfect Partner by Priscilla Oliveras
This was a great romance novel! I met Priscilla at Romance, Wine, and Chocolate in Orlando recently and finished this book shortly after meeting her. This book was a fun, clever and good story!
Oliveras does a really great job of creating characters you enjoy and want to do well. She wove a great story with great characters. The chemistry between Tomas and Yaz was palpable and fun to watch build. I appreciated that this was a “clean” romance. On a scale of Sweet, Sexy or Steamy I would rate this a Sweet romance!
(37) Locked, Loaded and Lying by Sarah Andre
This was a fun, fast-paced romantic suspense (heavy on the suspense)! I really enjoyed this book!! This was another one of the authors I had the opportunity to meet at Romance, Wine, and Chocolate in Orlando. I purchased this book and had it signed, so it’ll probably be part of a giveaway soon!
This was a fun, fast-paced adventure with lots of twists and turns! Sit back and enjoy the ride!
(38) Kiss & Tell by Luke Murphy
After a brief back and forth with the author, Luke Murphy, on Twitter, I agreed to read this book. I had thought it would be too scary, lol. But, it was more suspenseful than scary – just FYI.
This book was a real page-turner! It kept me up and night…in a good way! I couldn’t put it down!
(39) Highland Spy by Madeline Martin
I was given a copy of this book digitally from the author to review. I am somewhat of a newbie when it comes to listening to books, and I absolutely loved the narrator’s Scottish accent. It really made me feel like I was in Scotland!
Historical Scottish Romance, sigh! One of the things I loved about this book is that it’s loaded with badass women! The story was filled with adventure, emotion, and unexpected twists.
(40) Her Perfect Affair by Priscilla Oliveras
This is the second book in the Matched to Perfection series by Priscilla Oliveras. I love Oliveras’ characters! So real and complicated, but you want them to win in the end! I’m excited to read the next in the series 🙂
What are you reading?
So, I’ve shared everything that I’m reading, now it’s your turn 🙂 What are you reading right now? Share in the comments! I always love getting new book recommendations!
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Becki is the author and founder of A Book Lover’s Adventures. She has a degree in elementary education, has worked and volunteered in libraries for years, and spent several years in the travel industry. All of this has led to a love of books and travel. Becki loves to share her love by finding literary escapes to share!
What fun to be able to meet the author and then read the book. I’d love to do that. I just finished Story of a Sociopath and I’m exhausted. I need a light, uplifting story after that one:)
I have a hard time reading the really heavy books right now. I don’t have the energy for them! You’ll find lots of fun, uplifting books here 🙂